Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it true people regret not going to University because they feel they've missed out on love?

I heard on BBC Radio 2 that most people leave university with a partner. And that people who don't go university regret it because they feel they've missed out on love.

Is this true?Is it true people regret not going to University because they feel they've missed out on love?
I know of some people who went to University, failed their degrees and left University in huge debt because they spent all their time screwing around instead of studying.

Is that of any help?Is it true people regret not going to University because they feel they've missed out on love? parents didn't meet in college. They met at a pizza place lol.

And none of my friends' parents met at college, either...I guess it depends what you're going to college for. People who go for school (like you're supposed to) probably find a partner, because they're not looking for love...But you shouldn't take out a ton of loans (or have your parents pay major $$$) just so you can get some booty...
I think that's an outdated opinion. Most people today go to a college/university to get an education. If you meet a special someone along the way and it works out then great.

But most people are having fun and partying and trying to pass their classes.
Seems plausible to me just cuz in college you meet people of similar intelligence and with similar interests (like if you are in the same major).

But idk, I'm in college so I can't really say if I regret not going haha.
GO to university to get a damn education.
Only if you're going for an MRS. degree.
i dunno i m 17 n havent finished school yet
i don´t think so.
thats stupid.

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