Monday, February 8, 2010

Is it true that serial killers are generally white but violent killers are generally black?

It seems like people that kill who kill their parents or their own children and serial killers are white. But violent killers related to crime like drugs are generally black. I am forming this hypothesis based on TV shows. Is it true?Is it true that serial killers are generally white but violent killers are generally black?
Whoever told you that? They come in every size, color, shape, and background.

No, not always true.......look at Ted Bundy and all the other serial killers.....They were ';high class'; WHITE!Is it true that serial killers are generally white but violent killers are generally black?
I see the thumbs down dude don't read History Books!

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Yes, you are 100% correct inyour hypothesis.Do not listen to these people try to put you down for being observant of these facts. They are only upset because you called white people out as being prone to commit family violence and serial killings.

I have always said, sure, a black punk might try to car jack you and he might kill you in the process but a white guy is more likley to offer to give you a ride, drug you , rape you, cut your head off and then eat you for dinner.

A black drug dealer might get mad at a rival rdrug dealer and shoot up his entire family, this is very likely but just as likely as a young white kid high on Meth may break into anold person's home and beat her to death with a baseball bat,black kids just don't customarily do that kind of stuff.
Yes, 85% of US serial killers are caucasian. But go figure, the US population is 85% caucasian (if you include hispanics as caucasians). So, race apparently has no impact on whether or not one becomes a serial killer. Violent crime on the other hand, is almost exclusively a phenomenon of the lower classes, and a black person is more likely than a white person to be socioeconomically disadvantaged. Again, I don't think this necessarily has anything to do with race, simply the socioeconomic realities of the United States...
Let's take a little history lesson.

Ted Bundy-white male who murdered dozens of women

OJ Simpson-black man who brutally murdered 2 people

Take a guess...
No, you are just being racist. White people are just as capable as black people of committing crimes. TV shows are just fake. Don't believe everything you see on TV.
If U read history books and know anything about WAR,U might really find out about the most violent killers of all time.
There does SEEM to be some truth to that. Most SERIAL killers seem to be WHITE.
ummm.I dont know many serial killers that werent violent....Jeffery Dahmer didnt ';bore'; his victims to death you know?
Last time I check killing is usually violent.

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