Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it true about a Muslim conspiracy called ';creeping Sharia'; where Muslims are plotting to overthrow the US?

Some neo-conservative politicians think so, people like Frank Gaffney and his ilk. What do you know about this?Is it true about a Muslim conspiracy called ';creeping Sharia'; where Muslims are plotting to overthrow the US?
Nah that's just the same people who tried to sell us the Iraq war lies, all those dual citizen Israelis.Is it true about a Muslim conspiracy called ';creeping Sharia'; where Muslims are plotting to overthrow the US?
It is true. The goal of Muslims in any country is to takeover that country and turn it into a Muslim state. They will wait generations for this to happen. They are much further along in their plan in Europe, as the cowardly liberal Socialists who control most European countries are appeasing these hostile Muslims. My prediction: Europe will be a Muslim continent before the end of this century.

In Austria a member of parliament has been convicted for using hate speech, simply because she dared criticize Islam. Dutch MP Geert Wilders is now being prosecuted by Dutch authorities on similar charges. Here in America, critics of Islam are regularly smeared by Islamists and their apologists with epithets like “Islamophobe.” All of this and more is in response to Islamist demands that criticism of Islam be silenced and even punished.

War declared on America, Israel, Christians, and Jews…

Brigitte Gabriel, shares her insight and observations about how war has been declared on Israel, Jews, America, and Christians. She elaborates on how Radical Islam, Islamic Extremism, Islamism, and Islamofascism can and will destroy us if we do not act quickly and why it must be stopped!

Islamic subversion alleged by speaker

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 By Brian Mosely…

A former FBI special agent told law enforcement and Homeland Security personnel that a network of Islamic organizations are working to incrementally implement Islamic law in the United States.

During a presentation at the Bedford County Emergency Management Agency, former FBI agent John Guandolo briefed members about groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, which he claims is working with other Islamic groups to slowly implement Shariah, also known as Islamic law, which encompasses all areas of life.

Wilders’ Defense of Free Speech

By Andrew G. Bostom | 3/2/2009…
First of all, Muslims aren't planning to take the world or whatever land they live in. Name one country they took over? It's going to be real hard b/c there arent any. It's the jews who took our land and stole the country. And, right now this isn't a war on terrorism, it's a war on Islam. Just look at the media. Media tells you what they want you to hear. I look at foreign news and it's totally differ. Oh and btw, everyone knows that 911 was a conspiracy.
I know its happening in other parts of the world. Muslims are actively evangelising for their culture with a goal of converting the planet. There has been some evangelising in the US but mostly in prisons. I don't know how successful they could be with the US general population.
Yeah because there is a well tended garden for them to be planting their seeds! When things hit rock bottom turn to Sharia to catch up w. the Chinese, who, er, didn't..

Neo you say, sure they weren't bongo?
Well, it seems to be working in Europe, why not here. They move in, then when they get a majority they screech for their sharia law system. Even Canada is putting up with this right now.
Funny how Republicans hate for the media to be liberal when they say stuff like that

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